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strãnjiljor (strã-nji-ljĭórŭ) sm, sf – vedz tu strãmljor
T.Cunia Dictsiunar-a-Limbãljei-Armãneascã vedz: strãmljorstrãmljor
strãmljor (strãm-ljĭórŭ) sm, sf strãmljoarã (strãm-ljĭŭá-rã), strãmljori (strãm-ljĭórĭ), strãmljoari/strãmljoare (strãm-ljĭŭá-ri) – njel di doi anj; strifã, shtrãpori; oai tsi fitã di dauã ori
{ro: mior de doi ani; oaie care a fătat de două ori}
{fr: mouton agé de deux ans; brebis qui a mis bas deux fois}
{en: two year old lamb; sheep that gave birth twice}
§ strãnjiljor (strã-nji-ljĭórŭ) sm, sf strãnjiljoarã (strã-nji-ljĭŭá-rã), strãnjiljori (strã-nji-ljĭórĭ), strãnjiljoari/strãnjiljoare (strã-nji-ljĭŭá-ri) – (unã cu strãmljor)
§ shtrãpori (shtrã-pórĭ) sf shtrãpori (shtrã-pórĭ) – oai di doi anj; oai tsi ari fitatã dauã ori; strifã, strãmljoarã, strãnjiljoarã
{ro: oaie care a fătat de două ori}
{fr: brebis qui a mis bas deux fois}
{en: sheep that gave birth twice}
§ oai strifã (ŭá-i strí-fã) sf – (unã cu shtrãpori)