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sinhisi/sinhise (sín-hi-si) sinhisi (sín-hisĭ) – simtsãrea shi mina-rea sufliteascã tsi aducheashti omlu cãndu-lj si dzãc zboarã tsi lu-arisescu multu (cãndu dunjaea pricunoashti bunetslji tsi-ari faptã, cãndu easti alãvdat multu, cãndu s-adunã dinapandiha cu-un om vrut tsi nu lu-ari vidzutã di multu chiro, etc.); niisihia aduchitã tu suflit cãndu omlu treasi prit unã halã ma greauã; lucri mintiti sh-fãrã aradã; siyisi, mintiturã, amisticãturã, birdipsiri
{ro: emoţie, încurcătură}
{fr: émoi, embrouillement, mésintelligence, trouble}
{en: emotion, trouble, entanglement}
§ siyisi/siyise (sí-yi-si) sf siyisi (sí-yisĭ) – (unã cu sinhisi)
ex: eara pri mari siyisi (mintiturã, niisihii sufliteascã)
§ sinhisescu (sin-hi-sés-cu) (mi) vb IV sinhisii (sin-hi-síĭ), sinhiseam (sin-hi-seámŭ), sinhisitã (sin-hi-sí-tã), sinhisiri/sinhisire (sin-hi-sí-ri) – aduchescu nã sinhisi tu suflit; di-atseali tsi pat, ãnj cher isihia; nj-cher arãvdarea; mi mealã atseali tsi ved i tsi s-fac
{ro: se sinchisi, nelinişti, emoţiona, îngrijora}
{fr: s’agiter, (se) troubler, s’impatienter, s’émotionner}
{en: get disturbed, get agitated; feel impatience, feel emotion}
ex: shi tini ti sinhiseshti (tsã cheri isihia)?; nu ti sinhisea dip (nu ti mealã) di tsi pati
§ sinhisit (sin-hi-sítŭ) adg sinhisitã (sin-hi-sí-tã), sinhisits (sin-hi-sítsĭ), sinhisiti/sinhisite (sin-hi-sí-ti) – tsi aducheashti nã sinhisi tu suflit; tsi sh-ari chirutã isihia (arãvdarea)
{ro: sinchisit, neliniştit, emoţionat, îngrijorat}
{fr: agité, troublé, impatienté, émotionné}
{en: disturbed, agitated; impatient}
§ sinhisiri/sinhisire (sin-hi-sí-ri) sf sinhisiri (sin-hi-sírĭ) – atsea tsi s-fatsi cãndu cariva si sinhiseashti di tsiva
{ro: acţiunea de a (se) sinchisi, de a (se) nelinişti, de a (se) emoţiona, de a (se) îngrijora}
{fr: action de s’agiter, de se troubler, de s’im-patienter, de s’émotionner}
{en: action of getting disturbed, of getting agitated; of feeling impatience, of feeling emotion}