Dictsiunar: Tuti ; Zboarã: Di iutsido; (cama multi...)


cuculescu (cu-cu-lés-cu) (mi) vb IV cuculii (cu-cu-líĭ), cuculeam (cu-cu-leámŭ), cuculitã (cu-cu-lí-tã), cuculiri/cuculire (cu-cu-lí-ri) – mi-adun (mi fac) stog ca un guzmolj (gljem); nguzmuljedz, nstog (fig: cuculescu = hãidipsescu, diznjerdu multu)
{ro: (se) cocoloşi, (se) mototoli, (se) ghemui}
{fr: (se) pelotonner, mettre en tapon, froisser en boule; friper}
{en: make something into a ball; curl up (into a ball)}
ex: nu-l cuculea (nu-l fã guzmolj; icã fig: nu-l hãidip-sea); l-cuculeam (fig: l-hãidipseam multu) cãndu eara njic, tr-atsea tora l-chishi moashili truoarã; tsi-l cuculeshti (lu nveshti guzmolj) tu-ahãti stranji?

§ cuculit (cu-cu-lítŭ) adg cuculitã (cu-cu-lí-tã), cuculits (cu-cu-lítsĭ), cuculiti/cuculite (cu-cu-lí-ti) – tsi easti adunat stog ca un guzmolj; nguzmuljat, nstugat
{ro: cocoloşit, mototolit, ghemuit}
{fr: pelotonné, mis en tapon, froissé en boule; fripé}
{en: made into a ball; curled up (into a ball)}
ex: treili moashi shidea cuculiti (fapti stog, guzmolj) pi shidzut; pri tsi shidets ashi cuculiti? (adunati stog?); stã cuculit (adunat gljem) piningã vatrã

§ cuculiri/cuculire (cu-cu-lí-ri) sf cuculiri (cu-cu-lírĭ) – atsea tsi s-fatsi cãndu cariva s-cuculeashti; nguzmuljari, nstugari
{ro: acţiunea de a (se) cocoloşi, de a (se) mototoli, de a (se) ghemui; cocoloşire, mototolire, ghemuire}
{fr: action de (se) pelotonner, de mettre en tapon, de froisser en boule; de friper}
{en: action of making something into a ball; of curling up (into a ball)}

T.Cunia Dictsiunar-a-Limbãljei-Armãneascã