birati/birate (bi-rá-ti) sf birãts (bi-rắtsĭ) – ordin ngrãpsit trã dispots, dat aoa sh-un chiro di sultanlu turcu; firmani, tirmani, leadzi, nom
{ro: firman ce se dă arhiereilor}
{fr: ordre écrit donné aux évêques}
{en: written order given for the bishops}
ber (bérŭ) vb I birai (bi-ráĭ), biram (bi-rámŭ), biratã (bi-rá-tã), birari/birare (bi-rá-ri) – (pravda) bagã boatsi vãrtoasã pri limba-a ljei; azgher, zgher
{ro: behăi, zbiera}
{fr: bêler; crier}
{en: bleat}
ex: dultsi oaea bearã (zghearã)
§ birat (bi-rátŭ) adg biratã (bi-rá-tã), birats (bi-rátsĭ) birati/birate (bi-rá-ti) – (pravdã) tsi ari scoasã boatsi; azghirat, zghirat
{ro: behăit, zbierat}
{fr: bêlé; crié}
{en: bleated}
§ birari/birare (bi-rá-ri) sf birãri (bi-rắrĭ) – atsea tsi s-fatsi cãndu pravda zghearã; azghirari, zghirari
{ro: acţiunea de a behăi, de a zbiera, behăire, zbierare}
{fr: action de bêler; de crier}
{en: action of bleating}